Sunday, August 8, 2010

Don't Let The Wrong Google Adword Keywords Take You Broke During The Holidays! By Frenchie Sano

Sure, you're looking to get as much bang for your buck from the
holiday PPC traffic as possible, and who could blame you? Just
make sure that the "bang" you hear is that of the cash register
drawer slamming shut, and not your hand slamming against your
forehead because of all the money you wasted on ineffective

Holiday shoppers will click on anything that even remotely
looks interesting without necessarily having any intent of
buying once they get to the site.

This means if you have hot Holiday keywords, but your sales
copy doesn't convert well, you could end up going broke
depending upon the cost per click of your holiday key words.

That's why it is so important to hone your keywords so they
match exactly what it is you are selling.

Let's say that you sell holiday gift baskets that contain bath
oils and lotions. If you choose "holiday gift baskets", you
would get hammered by every person who is looking for a fruit
basket, sausage and cheese basket, and any other kind of gift
basket you can imagine.

Unless your price point is so good, and your sales copy is so
compelling that it can convince Aunt Agnes that Uncle Bernie
would rather have a basket full of lotions instead of deer meat
jerky, then you have a problem and your PPC costs are going to
be through the roof.

Here's a good strategy to follow during the holidays when PPC
traffic goes through the roof.

Watch your click-through and sales conversion rates carefully.
for each keyword. If you are getting a high number of clicks,
and a low number of sales, drop that keyword. Remember, the goal
here is to make a lot of sales, not draw a lot of wasted

Choose keywords which reflect the needs of the holiday shopper.
If you are currently advertising "jewelery" try "jewelry gifts"
or "teen gift ideas" if you sell products for that age group.
The idea is to associate your product with the traditional
gift-giving holidays.

If you have added seasonal items to your product line then
remember to update your campaigns to include these new products.
If you have dropped inventory, or are out of stock, remember to
pause those campaigns. It doesn't make any sense to pay for
traffic if you can't deliver the product.

The most best tip of all is to find competitive "niche" keyword
phrases that have a high demand and low competition. With some
diligence you should be able to uncover keywords which are
capable of generating good traffic but, because the "big boys"
haven't discovered them, the bid prices are still affordable.

The best way to accomplish this is to work down your list of
current keywords, find synonyms, and then determine how much
traffic each of these words generate. It may be a lot of work,
but, with a little bit of luck, it will lower your PPC costs and
drive better targeted holiday traffic to your site.

If it's too close to the holiday season, and you don't have
time for the "lot of work" and the "little bit of luck" method,
then you should consider getting your hands on a copy of Keyword
Locator, the amazing PPC Keyword mining software program that
eliminates both the hard work as well as the need for luck. In
fact, it pays for itself the first time you use it.

About the Author: Visit Keyword Locator at to learn more about
this gift to yourself that keeps on giving by finding profitable
keywords all year long.

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