Saturday, July 31, 2010

I Got Pay-Per-Click Free With This Secret By Thanakit K.

Would you like the same secret one New York man has been using
for nearly 8 years to get all his Google pay-per-click
advertising but for FREE?

The man has already gotten for himself over $87 million in
highly-targeted Google ads and other search engine advertising,
but without having to pay for any of it.

He's even made a fortune over $300 million as a result!

In the last 2 years alone he's done more than $166 million in
net earnings pushing his secret to the limit.

And he's now willing to share this same exact secret with YOU!

This same secret has already allowed a handful of people to do
as he's done and make their fortunes online.

His secret is nothing illegal, has nothing to do with hacking,
nor does it require you have a "friend" or family member working
at Google or any other search engine.

Additionally this same secret can be readily and easily applied
to any search engine that ordinarily accepts paid advertising
for sponsored ads (such as Overture, MSN, Yahoo, MIVA, etc).

You will still have to set up an account with Google or use
your existing one in order to do this. But using this secret you
won't have to pay for any of the advertising costs, and which
means you earn far larger profits than otherwise had you been
forced to pay for your advertising.

Also, it means you aren't at nearly as much risk since you
won't be spending your money on Google ads (which have only
become more and more expensive since Google went public a few
years ago).

It also gives you these clear "cut-above" advantages:

- You'll be able to deliberately outbid even your toughest
competitor, but you won't have to worry about paying for the
clicks you get!

- You'll be able to increase your daily budget higher than
everyone else for the same keywords sets, and so your ads never
get pulled because you reached any particular day's limit.

- You'll be able to use an unlimited number of keywords, and
set up as many different or separate ad campaigns as you like,
and bid however you wish, and with no restrictions on your daily

- You'll therefore be able to *DOMINATE & MONOPOLIZE* any niche
for whatever you're selling, and get the TOP PREMIUM SPOTS for
every single keyword or keyword phrase you use!

- You'll be able to repeat this with an unlimited number of
products you want to offer, so you can expand your online
business to as many other Internet selling businesses as you
like and without any fears or reservations!

- You'll be able to apply all this whether you own your own
site and product, or even if you're an affiliate or reseller of
someone else's products!

As you can see this one secret alone makes everything possible!

Someone would have to hate "money" to refuse this secret.

And this brings up an important point: The man who now holds
this secret and who's spent the better part of the last 8 years
perfecting and developing it is not going to keep it available
to others forever.

Before releasing it he consulted Internet marketing experts,
macroeconomists, market analysts, a business psychologist and
even an "economics-sociologist" to be sure that such a release
wouldn't prove to make "lopsided" the online landscape.

He found out (ironically) that releasing his secret was
actually *more* beneficial to Google and other search engines in
that by allowing many advertisers to use his secret too it
actually stimulates more business.

Strangely, and despite your best logic to the contrary, his
secret does not diminish revenues from the search engines at
all, but rather INCREASES them! (You'll have to get his secret
to know exactly why it works in this
"opposite-from-what-one-might-expect" way!)

But, the New Englander is deliberately not going to keep his
secret available for long - and note that whether he continues
or discontinues its availability won't affect his own personal
fortune in the least as he's already so rich ($300 million
worth!) what's another few million either way?

But whether or not he keeps it available or not WILL affect you
as by not having it you must continue to pay like everybody
else, but by having it at your fingertips you are licensed to
monopolize and hugely profit from any marketplace online you

So I hope you recognize both the value of this man's secret as
well as the immediacy and urgency for taking action now and
forever securing it for yourself before it's truly forever gone
- and you therefore miss out on it for good!

Don't let this happen ... don't make this mistake.

Think about this, if I can , you can too.

About the Author:

Adsense R.I.P.? By Douglas Titchmarsh

Following a tip off from several usually reliable sources it
has come to my attention that Adsense is dead. It would appear
that if you have been making any money from Adsense you may as
well give up, shut down your site and do something else instead.

Have you been feeling this way too?

So many people have Adsense products to sell, and so many are
using worst case scenarios to tell you how bad it's going to be
for your site as the search engine business does what it has
always done, and revises its algorithms. These doom and gloom
merchants cite everything from duplicate content to the small
but necessary changes the search engines make on a regular basis
to avoid the spam, and keyword stuffed useless link and ad farms
that arise to take advantage of their last updates.

So what do you as an Adsense website owner have to do to
maintain your revenue?

Despite the views to the contrary, you need to do what you
should always have been doing. Test and tune. Every sales site,
lead page, and Adsense website you build should be monitored,
and tested, then tuned to test some more to keep it always
earning you as much as possible. When things change, it's time
to make any tweaks you need to and test again.

Most of the doom laden messages usually come with a link to
some new tool, or automated software to make all new sites, and
at a premium price as they promise to overcome whatever reason
they are saying cause your income to drop. The truth is if you
are adding quality content, and the testing and tuning, then the
search engines have to keep coming back and listing your site.
It's what they live for. The problems come when you have no
content, just a keyword stuffed page full of links hoping to
make some money. Nobody wants to see those in a search, they are
a waste of time. These are what the search engine owners are
trying to filter out.

So here's our tips, add fresh content to your websites as often
as you can. Test and tune keywords, ad placements and colours
etc. as you always should be doing, and finally, don't fall for
the hype, your Adsense revenue is still there, in fact you may
just have less competition with all those link farms gone.

About the Author: Douglas Titchmarsh is the author of the
DEWDigest weekly newsletter available from and recommends The
Adsense Code By Joel Comm available from

Friday, July 30, 2010

How To Earn More Money From Google Adsense And Exceed Your Best Ever Adsense Income! By Peter Phillips

If you’re not in it for money - Adsense making money tips

To paraphrase the lovely Shania Twain - “If you’re not willing
to give it all you’ve got- get out of here!”

It's easy to waste your time trying to understand the internet
business and end up being in a daze, surrounded by too many
miracle cures and instant success stories.

It’s like a tsunami of information drowning you, and there is
no escape to higher ground.

I don't know how someone got my email address, but some drongo
(an Aussie term - you’ll figure it out!) wrote to me asking me
to put in just 5 dollars and immediately get back 20 without my
doing anything…. one of those “instant cash doubler" schemes.

After all this time I’ve got more common sense... and so should
you...than to get into his "program." That common sense will
tell you that the only way you will get back 20 dollars for five
is if five other mugs like you fall for his scam and front up
with their five dollars, so that the promoter can pay you and
keep some for himself.

All very well if you are one of the first in line, and get your
seed money back with just one payout, but that very rarely

I just got I don’t know how many of these "miracles" and at
least one "Next
Product" alert in my mailbox which is supposed to help me get
instant riches in internet marketing.

Listen, if you really want to make serious money, you have to
be one of these promoters, cobble together a few tips and tricks
that anyone can get for free, give it a catchy name, and get one
of the big hitters to promote it to their list. I’m sure you’ve
seen your inbox flooded by lots of these people, all trying to
sell you the same thing, and with ever increasing bonuses which
you will never use, but they sound great.

However, for most of us down in the food chain, that’s not a
realistic option - we don’t have our own product, and no guru
will touch us.

Let me tell you, the only solid money I’ve ever made is from
using Google Adsense to make money. Sure I won’t retire from it,
but I am making around $2.50 a day from my sites. Not much, I
know, but what if I had an Adsense network of 100, or even 200
sites? (That’s $50 a day for you non-accountants!) That’s how
much you can make, and that’s the secret of making money with

You can not only use Adsense on your site, you can use Adsense
in Wordpress blogs, use all the Google information marketing
tools, Adwords etc.

Of course the drawback is that you have to set up those 200
sites and maintain them with constantly changing content, and
that content has to be sufficiently interesting to make a few
people click on a few ads.

However, there are ways to do this, using RSS feeds, feeds from
other blogs, and other auto blogging techniques, but be wary of
not overdoing it, make sure the feeds add genuine interest to
your site.

The main problem will be in setting up 200 attractive, keyword
and Adsense rich sites.

To do this yourself will take a lot of time, effort and money,
and you will never do it if you’re just mucking around with
internet marketing.

You will have to spend some serious cash on hiring someone to
do it for you, or get a website generating software program, and
a really good one will not be cheap, but if you’re serious, you
will spend that money, which gets back to the thrust of my
opening paragraph - “If you’re not willing to give it all you’ve
got - get out of here!”

©Peter Phillips

About the Author: Peter Phillips is a writer living in Canberra
Build your dynamic sites with a viral membership system in 10
minutes or less, and exceed your best ever Adsense earnings!
AdCentsPro - the Rolls Royce of Adsense site creation!

The Secret to Building a Google Adsense Website That Earns More Money By Mukeshh Kumarr

There is a secret to building a Google Adsense website that
earns more than your competitors and gets you a lot of repeat
website traffic. This article will discuss what this secret is
plus reveal how you can find the highest paying Adwords keywords
in just a few minutes. First off, why would you want to build
content-rich websites? The short answer is "Because it keeps
people on your site for awhile, it makes them come back, and
they tell their friends about that site." But why? Well, for one
thing, people will stay on a content-rich site because it takes
awhile to read an article or two.

Thus, while they're reading the material, their peripheral
vision (off to the sides) notices little ads that happen to
surround that articles. And if people start to realize that a
certain site has good content that they like, and in particular,
different content that constantly changes and is updated, then
they'll check back to see what's new. The worst thing in the
world to have is a stagnant website that never changes. People
will visit it exactly twice-the first time to check it out, and
the second one to see what's changed-and when they find out it
hasn't changed, they most likely won't come back. Ever. What are
Content-Rich Google Adsense Websites and Why Have One?

A content-rich site is one that has lots of informative
articles up at it, usually centered around a theme. Most sites
can't quite pull off being WikiPedia, so they specialize. For
instance, you could do a site for dog owners. Possible articles
on that site would cover: How to figure out what kind of dog you
want Where to get a dog How to deal with a puppy Life stages of
a dog House-training puppies Dog training What to feed dogs
Whether to get more than one dog How to socialize dogs with
other dogs and with cats Exercise needs of dogs Training dogs to
do tricks Treating fleas Common dog ailments and when to go to
the vet Dog nutrition Taking your dog on a trip Getting a pet
sitter or boarding your dog if you don't take him on a trip The
articles you'll want to have on your site should be short enough
so that someone can read them in about 5 minutes. This means you
want to stick to articles of 250 to 750 words, with 300 to 600
words optimal. To give you an idea, a single page in a published
novel has about 300 words. Of course, your real purpose in
putting up all these nice little short articles and changing
them out frequently is not to just put information out into the
world. It is to have a site that people will come back to so
that they will see the Google AdSense ads, and click on them,
and then you will get checks in the mail.

About the Author: id you find this article useful? For more
useful tips & hints, Points to ponder and keep in mind,
techniques & insights pertaining to Google Ad sense, Do please
browse for more information at our website :-

The Secret Sauce Of Google Success By T. Mickelson

The Secret Sauce of Google Success

What do you need to get top rankings on Google? There are many
ingredients in the mix, but here are three of the most important
that you need to concentrate on.

1.) Keyword relevant copy and content

Whatever the keywords you want to get ranked in the Search
Engine Results Pages (SERPs), be sure that you have enough copy
and content about those specific words. Which would give Google
a reason to rank you in the first place.

If for example, one of your priority keywords is "virtual
assistant software". Create a separate page or section for this
keyword (at least a few paragraphs) using the keyword in the
headline, the first sentence, the last sentence as well as
wherever it makes logical sense in order to achieve the keyword
frequency and "density" that search engines are looking for.
Ideally, each page will only have one or two keywords and will
be very focused on that specific topic.

Additionally, by including on this specific keyword page either
articles, pdf files or news items about your keyword, will help
you improve your chances of a better ranking. Give Google a
reason to rank you at the top. He with the most relevant copy
wins …so make it rich and deep.

2.) Can the search engines read and "crawl" all the pages and
content on your site?

Probably the biggest surprise to most marketers is that the
search engines are unable to either navigate or read most of the
content on their website. If they can't read your copy, then
it's not surprising that you're not getting the rankings or
traffic to your website that you aspire to.

The only thing a search engine can read is words. Sites that
are dynamic, or created in other formats such as Flash or Java
often can't be read by the search engines. Even if they can read
the content on your site, many times they can't navigate it
properly or just bounce "off the walls" as there are no specific
links or site map to tell the proper sequence or where to go

Want to see what Google is indexing on your website? Go to
Google and type in: This will show you
the title and description of the pages of your site they know
about. If they are all the same or they don’t have a title or
description listed chances are very good that your site is
invisible to your target market.

3) Links... why they are so important?

Link popularity is one of the most important factors search
engines use in determining where you will rank in the search
engine for your keywords, and phrases, as it helps them to
determine how important or popular your site is and what it’s
reputation is.

In essence the search engines are saying "we're going to give
top ranking to pages that have important and relevant sites
linking to them".

Link Building is the process of finding related/relevant
websites and receiving a link from them to you. Natural linking
occurs when a site has good content that others will link to.
But to get these links people have to know about you. It is a
catch 22. Building links has gotten sophisticated in the last
couple of years. Today you need a mixture of links from many
sources including articles, press releases, social bookmarks,
directories and social media sites.

How many links do you need to have? It depends on the
individual keyword or phrase you want to be found under and how
the links are structured. The search engines look at inbound
links as a popularity contest but more importantly, they are
looking at the quality of the pages that are linking to you and
the “anchor text” - the "clickable link" and what it says about
the page that it links to. The key to linking is to have the
right anchor text on a link that points to a page that has
content using the same keyword phrase.

You do not want to increase the overall number of links by more
than 10-15% each month for an established site with history as
this may trigger a filter from the search engines as an
indicator of artificially inflating the link popularity. New
sites have an advantage since there has not been a history
established and the link building can be done at a faster rate.

Linking is critical not only with your search engine placement
but it helps stabilize you positions in the search engines and
delivers traffic directly from the sites that link to you. But
linking is not a once and you are done process. Generating new
links is an ongoing process.

In Summary, successfully implementing the above 3 strategies
either through your own efforts or through employing search
engine promotion specialists will deliver the "triple punch" and
the knockout punch you need to get top rankings on Google and
the other search engines as well.

About the Author: Article by Terry Mickelson Founder of, one of the foremost search engine
optimization companies specializing in B2B search engine
optimization and link building programs. For further information
as well as a free ranking report on your website, contact Terry
Mickelson at 480-556-9752

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Make Money With AdSense – Who Say Novices Can’t Make Money Using Adsense By Alan Lim

Using adsense to make money is not only the gurus game. Even
the most unlearned beginner can learn how to make money with
AdSense if he or she can follow instructions and think
imaginatively about the opportunities in the program.

AdSense is a brief box containing an ad that is placed on your
blog or web site. The advertisers who pay for the ad can be
promoting a web site, service or product, but it must be
relevant to the content of the site where the ad is placed.
When a visitor to your site clicks on the ad on your web site,
you receive revenue from the advertiser. The amount of money
that you receive depends on the amount paid by the advertiser.
The ads can be text, images or even videos, but the program is
effective in selling the product or service and is easy for a
beginner using adsense and make money with AdSense.

What is it?

AdSense is an ad server program developed and marketed by
Google who is in charge of the policies and practices that
relate to the program. The web site owner places the ad on the
web site that will redirect the visitor to a link where the
product or service can be purchased. Each time there is a click
on the AdSense ad, the advertiser pays a small fee and the web
site owner receives a portion of the money generated from the
pay per click AdSense ad. If you want to make money with
AdSense, it's as simple as that.


In order to make money using AdSense, there are a few things
you must have. When you apply for the Adsense program, you must
submit a URL for the web site you will be using so that it can
be checked by one of the Google reviewers. The site should have
good content with reviews or articles--generally just one topic.

A site should be completed before submitting to AdSense, and
should not be just a large billboard for sale to advertisers.

What do I do to get started

When you are ready to make money with AdSense, you should first
create a Google account. You can sign up for the account at the
Google site. Then, sign up for the AdSense service. Make sure
you read and understand the AdSense policies and regulations.
Once you have submitted the application, allow time for the
reviewers to visit and check out your site and you should be
ready to start placing your income producing ads within a few
days. The status of your application will be forwarded by email
and you are ready to begin designing and placing your AdSense

Simple tips

The ads that allow you to make money with AdSense can be of
many different designs, but some common tips relate to all.
First, you should be sure that the ads blend with the web site
that you have already designed. This includes color, shape,
media, and content of the ad. The size and shape of the ad
should appear as a natural adjunct to the content of the page on
which the ad is placed. In other words, don't use an ad size
and location on the page that overpowers all the content. The
visitor will be more likely to click on an ad because of the
valuable content on the page.

So, even if you are a beginner, you can start making some
passive income by using adsense.

About the Author: To start learning about Using Adsense to make
money, click on the link
. This is one of the best place on the internet with useful
information, tips and links.43RG7DKDYHBA

The Magic Adword Profit Formula By Roger Titley

How can you make an Adword make a profit? If you are like me
then you thought that you were doing all of the right things but
the result was always the same; the commission generated was
never more than the cost of the Adword. In the words of Charles
Dickens’ famous character Mr. McAwber, ‘Annual income twenty
pounds, annual expenditure twenty pounds ought and six, result

When it comes to Adwords, if the cost of the clicks is more
than the commission that is generated then it is a sure fire

So what is the magic formula for success?

In this instance, formula is the correct word, as it is a very
simple balancing act that is required which is easiest to
explain with an example..

Imagine that you are lucky enough to identify keywords that
only cost you one cent each, $0.01. Your Adword is charged on a
per click basis and so it will cost you $1 for every 100 clicks
that you get. Each click will take the potential customer to the
affiliate owner’s site, where they may or may not make a

The ratio of purchasers to non-purchasers is the conversion
rate. If one person out of every hundred that clicks on your
Adword actually makes a purchase, then your conversion rate is

The actual amount of commission that you earn is fixed and
depends upon the affiliate program that you choose. For an
example let’s assume that the commission is generated on a
single sale is $20. Let’s also assume that you require a
reasonable profit on each transaction for example 40%. This will
provide you with $8 for every sale, and allow $12 to be spent on
the Adword clicks.

For $12 you can pay for 1200 clicks if each click costs $0.01.
That sounds a lot of clicks, but this is only true if the
average Price Per Click (PPC) is $0.01. If the average PPC cost
is actually 10c, then the number of clicks that can be purchased
will be reduced to 120.

At 10c per click, you will require a conversion rate of 1 in
120 or 1.2% in order to maintain the same profit

So, in order to make a profit of at least $8, the affiliate
commission must be $20 or more, the PPC must be 10c or less and
the conversion rate must be 1.2% or more. In cash terms, for
every $12 that you spend, Google will pay you $20.

The important point to notice is that if you double the
commission rate then your profit doubles. If you halve the PPC
cost then your profit will double. If you double the conversion
rate then your profit will double.

There is only so much that you can do to lower the PPC cost and
the commission rate is set by the affiliate owner. All that is
left to manipulate is the conversion rate. If you are going to
make a profit from Adwords then the conversion rate is what you
must concentrate on.

The conversion rate is the key number! The critical thing is
not to just get a lot of clicks on the Adword, but to make sure
that those clicks are all potential buyers. This will depend on
the choice of keywords associated to the Adword to begin with,
but more importantly it depends on the subliminal expectation
that is set by your Adword text.

Make sure that you choose an Adword text that works. The best
advice is to check out any other Adwords for the same product.
Type the affiliate name into Google and see what text is being
used by others, particularly the top ones in the list.

If you can link the customer to your own page before sending
them on to the actual ad, then you have a chance to pre-sell the
product. This means that you can add a personal recommendation
or something similar to encourage the potential purchaser. This
is proven to raise conversion rates.

The choice of keyword is also important but requires a separate
article all of its own.

It is possible to make a profit with Adwords, but you have to
know the formula and make sure that all of the values when
combined will equal a profit.

About the Author: Roger Titley is a successful webmaster and
operates a number of different websites. specialises in helping
people earn money from the internet. specialises in helping you to
write articles for the internet.

Adword Advertising Tips For A Counselors & Therapists By Mikel Bruce

Running an effective Adword advertising or Pay-Per-Click (PPC)
advertising campaign for any business is not easy. Since PPC has
significant benefits for small niche businesses (such as Therapy
– especially if they are located in small geographic areas) it
is a marketing process that is at least worth testing out.

Here are a few tips that will help you get a significant return
on your investment? Below are several things every PT Business
should know about Pay- Per-Click – as well as a few helpful tips
to give you a fast track to success.

The investment

The portion of your marketing budget that you devote to your
PPC campaign is up to you, but it is probably a good idea to
“dip your toe in the water” with a smaller investment at firsts
– then as the program builds momentum, add to the program with
more emphasis on the areas bringing you traffic or returns.

Bidding on the keywords

When you sit down to bid on keywords (the supply-and-demand
process which determines who will “own” the terms associated
with your ad) you may be a little taken aback by the cost of the
more popular keywords. This is where you need to consider
employing the “long tail” method of thinking in your keyword
selection. Less common search terms associated with your
business may not have the traffic numbers you want, BUT they are
a lot less expensive, and buying up a large number of them can
have the same impact as a couple of more popular keywords. Think
about downsizing your keywords with geographical considerations.
For example instead of listing ‘San Francisco Marriage and
Family Counseling’ as a keyword phrase you may narrow it down to
several towns that surround your studio or yoga business such as
‘Domingo Marriage and Family Counseling’.

The landing page

Take time to think about where you want to direct those people
who see your PPC ad. Is the home page where you want to send
them? If an aspect of your business is Marriage and Family
Counseling and you are using PPC to market this service, you
would want to direct these clicks to the page on your website
which has information on your Marriage and Family Counseling
program. Put some thought into this, since you are likely to
experience a bump in traffic based on the PPC ad – and the leads
coming in should be highly qualified.

Don’t budget shop, use Google

There’s really no point in trying to nickel and dime your PPC
campaign by using smaller, less trafficked search engines.
Google’s tock is high for a reason: there PPC program, Google
AdWords is second to none and always delivers the most traffic.

The reporting

Finally, one of the most important yet overlooked aspects of
running a successful PPC campaign is reporting. You simply must
keep detailed records of what keywords are performing and which
ones are not. This information will help you decide – in the
coming months – where to focus more precious marketing dollars,
and where to cut and run and swap out old keywords for new ones.
If you know someone that has experience with setting up a PPC
campaign, it would be great to get his or her help. WebFlexor
Counseling specializes in helping Counselors and Therapists
succeed on the Web.

About the Author: Mikel Bruce, WebFlexor Counselor Websites,

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Adsense Web Tool: Increasing Your Adsense Revenues Starting Today! By Larry Evans

There was an individual named Joel Comn who once making only
$30 daily with Adsense, a program where it allows you to make
money when visitors of your site are clicking on the advertising
links that are placed in the host’s website. Until one day, he
decides to have a try of other ways of increasing his Adsense

After he had used several Adsense tools, Joel doubled his
commission from $30 to $60 daily. But would you believe that his
commission actually sky-rocketed for more than $500 per day? His
earnings climbed up, making it $18,343 last December 2004 and it
is quite possibly that his revenues may keep climbing after that
period. It sounds impossible, but an individual have done it.

Adsense Basics

Joel Comn is now one of the successful Internet marketers that
derive some of their revenues through the Adsense program. But
you need to keep in mind that you can not earn as much as
$18,000 per month if you will just allow Adsense to place its
ads on your website. There are things you need to consider in
order to make as much money as Joel did.

You need to apply for an Adsense account. Remember that you
must be investing in your own domain so that your application
will not be rejected. Make sure that your site’s contents are
organized and be viewed as professional.

After your site has been accepted, Adsense will give you a code
that you will place on your website, enabling them to start
placing ads on your site that are with relevance to its content.
For instance, if your site is about air-conditioning, Adsense
might place ads that deal with different kinds and models of
air-conditioning equipment.

Adsense Web Tool

Part of Adsense program is the use of Adwords, or relevant
words that is integrated with Adsense advertisement. In order to
attract more visitors that are generating impressions or
“clicks” to the ads in your site, you must let Adsense know what
Adwords are relevant and related to the contents of your
webpage. In this case, the Adsense Web Tool can help you.

Adsense Web Tools provide you with Adsense HTML (Hyper Text
Markup Language) ad code to place on the web pages which you
want to display the ads. The Adwords that will be generated
using the Web Tool are based on the keyword analysis, word
frequency, and the overall link structure of the web. Adsense
will have an idea what your webpage is all about, and it can
precisely match the advertisement on each page.

Maybe you will wonder how Adsense know what appropriate Adwords
needs to be displayed in your site. If Adsense has spidered your
site, it automatically knows what Adwords are to be displayed in
your site. However, if your site has not spidered yet, Adsense
makes use of your site’s URL first to decide what Adwords are
appropriate. This is where your own domain will be important.
You must invest on your own domain. Keep in mind that it has a
significant impact on your Adsense revenues.

It is important that you make use of Adsense Web Tool so that
you can maximize your possible earnings with Adsense. Do not
rely alone on the displayed ads. Remember that you need to make
it “clickable” to every Internet user that will visit your site.
Start right and earn as much as $18,000 a month through Adsense!

About the Author: Finally.... An All-In-One System That Runs
ALL Your Joint Ventures On Autopilot! Visit Active hyperlink must remain with

How to Make Money With Adsense : Adsense Success Tips and Things to Avoid By Alan Lim

It is too easy for some people to decide that in order to learn
how to make money with adsense, they should cut corners on some
of the rules and common sense assumptions if they want to have
adsense success. This is more likely to get them in trouble with
Google administrators.

There is no doubt the thousands of good webmasters have adsense
success because they have found a good way to learn how to make
money with adsense. By following their lead, you can add your
name to the list of successful entrepreneurs using the Adsense
principles. However, there are some things associated with the
Google program that you should avoid at all costs. These may be
specific to the program, or they may be just common sense
prohibitions. Take the time to know and understand these things
that can destroy your revenue source before you are well

Getting the cart before the horse

Before attempting to place ads or make money with adsense, be
certain that you understand the
concepts and the reasoning behind the actions that you will
take. Newcomers often get so excited about the prospects of a
good work-at-home income that they will leap into the program
and then wonder why the revenues are not as substantial as they
are reputed to be. It is because the program is not being
followed according to the best rules and practices as set out by
Google. Obtaining a good tutorial that will walk you step by
step through the process of identifying potential revenue
sources and place the appropriate ads will mean more profit for
you in the long run.


Don't make the assumption that just because something worked in
another program you have tried that it will work equally well in
your adsense success conquest. It may work quite well, or it may
be a concept that is adaptable for Adsense, but the trick is to
know the difference. You need to understand the big picture
before setting your expectations and assumptions about the
performance of Adsense. Another assumption to avoid is that you
will make a certain amount of money if you follow the program.
Even if you abide by all the good principles, it doesn't
guarantee that you will be set for life financially.

Skating on thin ice

When you set out to learn how to make money with adsense, make
certain that you don't push the limits that are defined by the
Google administrators. You may be tempted to try something
thinking that no one will notice, or that it's only a little bit
questionable. In fact, you are risking your continued
participation in the Adsense program if you step over the line.
Google is willing to work with you and to respond to honest
queries about whether a particular practice or item is
acceptable under Adsense guidelines.

Blatant violations

To make money with adsense, you must apply for and be accepted
as an Adsense publisher by Google administration. This means
that you have agreed to abide by the rules and regulations of
the Adsense program. Google--and reputable users of
Adsense--recognize that maintaining the quality of the program
helps advertising and helps with the acceptance of internet
advertising as a legitimate and professional medium for
marketing. You may be forgiven one trespass, but Google is also
under no obligation to allow you to blatantly ignore the
policies and procedures.

About the Author: Learn How To Make Money With Adsense with
honest and equitable standards of business operation and
management. Visit the link at
to learn more if you want to earn an income with adsense.

Don't Let The Wrong Google Adword Keywords Take You Broke During The Holidays! By Frenchie Sano

Sure, you're looking to get as much bang for your buck from the
holiday PPC traffic as possible, and who could blame you? Just
make sure that the "bang" you hear is that of the cash register
drawer slamming shut, and not your hand slamming against your
forehead because of all the money you wasted on ineffective

Holiday shoppers will click on anything that even remotely
looks interesting without necessarily having any intent of
buying once they get to the site.

This means if you have hot Holiday keywords, but your sales
copy doesn't convert well, you could end up going broke
depending upon the cost per click of your holiday key words.

That's why it is so important to hone your keywords so they
match exactly what it is you are selling.

Let's say that you sell holiday gift baskets that contain bath
oils and lotions. If you choose "holiday gift baskets", you
would get hammered by every person who is looking for a fruit
basket, sausage and cheese basket, and any other kind of gift
basket you can imagine.

Unless your price point is so good, and your sales copy is so
compelling that it can convince Aunt Agnes that Uncle Bernie
would rather have a basket full of lotions instead of deer meat
jerky, then you have a problem and your PPC costs are going to
be through the roof.

Here's a good strategy to follow during the holidays when PPC
traffic goes through the roof.

Watch your click-through and sales conversion rates carefully.
for each keyword. If you are getting a high number of clicks,
and a low number of sales, drop that keyword. Remember, the goal
here is to make a lot of sales, not draw a lot of wasted

Choose keywords which reflect the needs of the holiday shopper.
If you are currently advertising "jewelery" try "jewelry gifts"
or "teen gift ideas" if you sell products for that age group.
The idea is to associate your product with the traditional
gift-giving holidays.

If you have added seasonal items to your product line then
remember to update your campaigns to include these new products.
If you have dropped inventory, or are out of stock, remember to
pause those campaigns. It doesn't make any sense to pay for
traffic if you can't deliver the product.

The most best tip of all is to find competitive "niche" keyword
phrases that have a high demand and low competition. With some
diligence you should be able to uncover keywords which are
capable of generating good traffic but, because the "big boys"
haven't discovered them, the bid prices are still affordable.

The best way to accomplish this is to work down your list of
current keywords, find synonyms, and then determine how much
traffic each of these words generate. It may be a lot of work,
but, with a little bit of luck, it will lower your PPC costs and
drive better targeted holiday traffic to your site.

If it's too close to the holiday season, and you don't have
time for the "lot of work" and the "little bit of luck" method,
then you should consider getting your hands on a copy of Keyword
Locator, the amazing PPC Keyword mining software program that
eliminates both the hard work as well as the need for luck. In
fact, it pays for itself the first time you use it.

About the Author: Visit Keyword Locator at to learn more about
this gift to yourself that keeps on giving by finding profitable
keywords all year long.

Google AdSense: So Can You Really Make Money While You Sleep With AdSense? By Serge Dandelin

Google's AdSense program has been one that has drawn so many
different opinions over the year that it is a wonder that
everyone seems to know the basic truths about it. The answer as
to whether or not you can really make money while you sleep with
Google AdSense is a yes in no uncertain terms, but it is usually
not in the way that you may think.

People have been conditioned to think that creating a number of
low quality websites is the way to go with AdSense. Create 1000
different websites that make you $1 a day with AdSense and you
will ultimately be good to go. This is not really true anymore,
however the good news is that you can still have fun with what
you do and then make AdSense cash when you are asleep.

The way to make cash with AdSense in the modern world is
through the use of high quality content. You need to create a
website that people will want to visit on a regular basis.
Whether that website happens to be a content website on a
particular field that you consider yourself an expert on or
whether it happens to be a blog that you use to express your
opinion to others, as long as you create high quality content on
that website on a daily basis, then you are going to have a
website with the potential to make money.

You need to promote the website as well and that once again
involves a lot of work on your part. If you promote your website
through posting on blogs, forums and social networking websites
while at the same time writing articles and submitting them with
your link to directories, you will find that slowly but surely
your website will start to draw on major amounts of traffic. And
once your website does that, your AdSense ads will do the rest.
You can definitely make money while you sleep with AdSense, but
you just need to know how to go about doing it.

The websites that really make money in the modern world however
are not websites that rely on one form of advertising. There are
text link ads, banner ads, reviews and many other forms of
advertising that people can use once they have a successful
website; the key is just in getting to that point. Once you have
built up a successful website, you can experiment with ads in
order to see which ones work for you the best.

Adsense is a nice way of monetizing your website traffic.
However in order to make money with adsense you need traffic to
your web site. If you are not getting any traffic you won't make
a dime with Google Adsense plain and simple. Making money with
Adsense is not that simple. Stay away from people trying to sell
you information products on how to make millions with Adsense.
These are just empty promises. Like I always say: There is no
free lunch!

To Your Success!

About the Author: I have just completed my brand new guide to
Search Engine Marketing Success. Download it free here:
Best Regards, Serge Daudelin SEO Consultant

Adsense Arbitrage Niche: Becoming The Supreme Adsense Arbitrager! By Greg Haehl

Google Adsense: Supreme Arbitrage Machine

The internet will finally be a better place where the forces of
evil have been pushed to the brink of extinction and only the
Righteous can walk in the light. Google Adsense is the SUPREME
arbitrage machine probably one of the most successful Adsense
Arbitrage vehicles ever seen. It should be the same with you as
you implement this Adsense Arbitrage make money instruction.

Who Are Making the Money in Adsense Arbitrage?

Even though the Adsense ads are optimized most sites do not
really make a respectable amount of money from it. Why? Because
most sites place their ads so that they LOOK like ADS. The
standard color for the Adsense Linked Title is a royal blue and
the advertiser-url is a green. By changing the Linked Title to a
dark blue and the Advertiser URL to a light grey you will also
improve your CTR and hence your income. I've already begun to
improve some of my Adsense Arbitrage strategies and will be
monitoring income increase throughout the next three months at
which time I'll write an article detailing my findings. Watch
this space!.

Getting Traffic First

Without good traffic sense you can't make money from programs
like Google AdSense that are willing to hand out cash. Google
Adsense Arbitrage is perhaps the easiest way to attract
advertisers from across the globe to your website. This is
rather time and effort consuming.

Writing Relevant Traffic Pulling Articles

For example if it's a website about "widgets" and your article
is a review on the latest "blue widgets" then Ad Sense on "Find
Cheap Widgets Now!" would have a high percentage of clicks.
There are more ways to make money and one can make more money
with Adsense Arbitrage at the same time.

Getting High Relevancy Contents

Then the advertisers pay more money to have the customers click
them. I know what Adsense Arbitrage is now just tell me how to
optimize! Yeah you really wouldn't care about this article if
you didnt know what Adsense was well anyways. AdSense Arbitrage
sites made exclusively with articles from article sites have the
advantage that every person will choose different articles and
the disadvantage that some articles will be on an amazing number
of sites.

Adsense Arbitrage: Are For All!

Whether you are just starting out with AdSense or whether you
have been using it for years the success of your ads will depend
on knowing the absolutely essential pieces of information about

About the Author: Full details and videos on Adsense Arbitrage

Adsense: Top Tips On How To Make Your Adsense Business Work Better! By Larry Evans

Most of you may have heard about Adsense and the income it
generates. However, most people don’t know how these thing work
or how to make it work properly. Firstly, here is an explanation
of what is Adsense all about.

An Adsense is a program designed by one of the most popular
search engines, Google, to create income for your website. It is
very much like an affiliate program that is delivered by Google
on where you will display a text or image links where people
visiting your website can click on.

You will make money in Adsense programs when people visiting
your website clicks on the adsense program. Every click made by
visitors in your website is equal to a specific amount of money.
So, it is very important that you should generate targeted
traffic into your website in order to make this work.

You may also place a Google search box in your website where
your visitor can search for relevant text ads and will be
displayed on your website. Another feature in the Google Adsense
program is the Adsense referrals. Here, you can make money by
displaying Google’s referral buttons in your website.

Application in Google Adsense is very easy. You just have to
fill out an application form found in their website. Adsense is
available for any websites except on pornographic websites and
hate websites. Your contents should have a specific topic where
Google Adsense will choose an adsense program related to the
contents of your website.

All you need to apply is to have your own website.

Make sure that your website does not have any pornographic
content, racism, or any other content that may offend some
people. Joining in an Adsense program is fast, easy and most of
all free.

Why join an Adsense program? The answer to this question is
obvious: To make money at home. Adsense programs are free and
relatively easy to join in one. You may think that having an
Adsense program displayed in your website can lead people away.
However, if you have a good content and an attractive website,
you will be sure that those people will always come back and
read more of your topics.

One great type of website for an adsense is a blogging website.
A blogging website can generate you a lot of targeted traffic
and also a lot of clicks in the Adsense program.

The placement of your Adsense program is also very important to
generate clicks. Usually, you can place your Adsense program
anywhere in your website. However, there is a specific placement
to generate more clicks. For example, it has been found that
placing your Adsense program at the top of the web page
generates more clicks than that of web pages that places Adsense
programs below their web page. Another way to generate clicks is
to place your Adsense program near rich content areas. This is
because people focus more in these areas and tends to click on
them more.

An Adsense program can give you a lot of income opportunities
if you do it right. Try to make your website score a high rank
in order to qualify in Adsense programs. Adsense programs are
also one of the easiest ways to generate extra cash. You just
have to update your website from time to time in order to keep
on creating more targeted traffic. Try to consider making a blog
website, these types of website creates huge amount of targeted
traffic and can virtually take care of itself.

About the Author: Finally.... An All-In-One System That Runs
ALL Your Joint Ventures On Autopilot! Visit Active hyperlink must remain with

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

How To Use Adsense Tricks To Benefit Your Site And Boost Profits? By Larry Evans

Adsense is really making waves and making its presence felt
especially on the affiliate industry. The result of this is that
most of the weak affiliate merchants have disappeared. Likewise
ad networks are beginning to lose their customers due to
Google’s adsense.

If you are a web site owner and you’re losing more rather
gaining using affiliate programs that you are advertising then I
guess it’s high time that you consider shifting to adsense
marketing and start earning which is what you should be doing in
the first place.

The best thing about Google is that the adsense that they will
put on your site are carefully chosen to match the content on
your pages, which is good since your web visitors have a much
better chance of clicking on them since they are related to the
information that they have search on your site.

Another benefit that you derived from this is that it enhances
further the usefulness of your site since other related
information that are not found on your site is conveniently
supplied by Google through its adsense. This is actually just
one of adsense trick.

With Google’s adsense you will no longer have to waste time and
effort in choosing various types of ads for the different pages
of your site. Google has made everything easy as well as
convenient for you. There are no difficult codes to deal with
all you get are ads that are carefully chosen to match every
contents found on your site.

This will provide you with lots of time to do other important
things like creating better and quality contents since most of
the search engines considered contents as one of their basis in
choosing the sites where they are to put their ads.

Another great thing about Google adsense is that even if you
have already existing affiliate links on your site your site
will still be allowed to add adsense ads. This means that you
will be able to still earn from adsense ads. Plus you may even
customize the adsense so that it will appear as part of your web
page. You use Google’s custom palette for such an endeavor.

The rationale behind matching the adsense to the theme of your
site is that most of the web visitors today are used to clicking
on a link that is blue. By having your Google adsense to match
the theme of your web page will make it looks like a part or
portion of your content. This adsense trick is ideal since it
will make the web visitors to click on it thinking that it’s
just a link to another page of the web site.

Aside from that you will also be able to filter out those URLs
that do not meet your guidelines. You may also block your
competitor from advertising on your site. Bear in mind that the
fact still remains that adsense is somewhat competing for some
space on web sites that all other revenue generating ads are

With adsense on your web page together with your content people
will definitely flock on your site sicne yo have everything that
they need. In the long run having an adsense on your site will
both benefit you in terms of increase in revenue as well as
increase in your web site’s hits.

About the Author: Finally.... An All-In-One System That Runs
ALL Your Joint Ventures On Autopilot! Visit Active hyperlink must remain with

Monday, July 26, 2010

Top Ten Adword Tips ! By Richard Cox

Marketing an online business is often a challenge:
Entrepreneurs have an abundance of advertising options – both
free and for a fee. The problem is entrepreneurs tend to be
incredibly busy people with only so many hours in a day to
accomplish everything that needs to be done pertaining to their
online businesses.

One of the most effective and easiest marketing options online
business owners have is Google Adwords. Even if your business
Web site is not yet ranked high in the search engines, you can
be assured that Web users see your URL, when they search for the
keywords you've bid on, on the first pages of Google.

Adwords is an excellent means of driving targeted traffic to
your Web site while you concentrate on your other marketing
efforts – such as article marketing and adding keyword rich
content to your Web site – to rank high in the search engines.

To run an effective Adwords campaign, however, you must
understand how Adwords works. If you do an online search, you'll
find there are a slew of Adwords tips offered by everyone from
internet marketing gurus to successful online business owners.
The top ten Adwords tips are:

Keywords count. If you don't choose the right keywords for your
Adwords, your target market isn't going to find you. Keywords,
and keyword phrases, are simply those terms and phrases that are
most commonly searched for by your targeted market. If your
niche is diet and weight loss, you might want to bid on the
keywords diet, weight loss, and diet and weight loss.

There are numerous online keyword tools, such as Word Tracker
and Overture, available to ensure you pick the best keywords and
keyword phrases for your target market.

Write then bid. Before you ever sign up for or into your Google
Adwords account, sit down and write your ad. Never write your
ads off the top of your head. Rather, you must consider what you
want your ad to accomplish and who you want to target. Write
your ad then rewrite if necessary to ensure it is as effective
as possible. You have very limited space, so you must be as
precise as possible.

Set a budget. Know how much you want to spend each day, and
whatever you do, do not spend too much per click. Set your
budget and follow it.

Research your competition. Whether you use Google Adwords or
not, you must stay up-to-date with what your competition is
doing to secure new customers and to drive traffic to their Web

Stand apart from the competition. Adwords is an effective way
to drive traffic to your Web site if you know how to stand out
from your competition. Be creative when you write your ads, but
always ensure you adhere to Google's guidelines. According to
some internet marketers, the best way to make your ad stand out
is to simply capitalize the first letter of each word in your
ad. (It's against Google's rules to use all capital letters.)

Include your product or service's cost. Make sure your ad
includes the price of your product or service. By adding the
price, you're making it easier for potential clients to decide
if clicking on your ad and checking out your Web site is worth
their time and their effort.

Geographically target your ads. If your product or service is
geared toward a global audience, you don’t have to worry about
targeting your ads geographically. You should consider targeting
your ads geographically if you are selling to a specific
location. For example, if you're selling concert and sporting
event tickets in Chicago, you may want to target only Chicago.

Always include a call to action. You want people to click on
your ad and go to your Web site. Encourage them to do so by
always ending your ad with a call to action, such as email,
call, or click now.

Test, test, test. You can't just run your ad and forget about
it. Rather, you should run several ads at the same time to
determine which ad is the most successful. Then pull the less
successful ads and run new ones to see how they stack up to the
original ad. Testing is key to your Google Adwords success.

About the Author: For your Free Report goo

5 Amazing SEO Tricks To Help Bring You Loads Of Traffic To Your Affiliate Or AdSense Website By Ata Khan

So how can you optimize your website to get tons of free
traffic and rank at the top with the best search engines. What
is this SEO recipe? There are 5 major components to this. These
are, creating proper meta tags with proper keywords for your
website, the number of directory submissions, the number of
reciprocal links to your website, the number of inbound links
via articles, forums, classified ads, etc; and timely updates to
your website. So let's analyze every member of this list:

These days you hear a lot of talk about how search engines
don't look at meta tags anymore in order to properly index and
rank your website. This is not entirely true. Placing the proper
meta tag title, description, and keywords in your HTML coding
will give your website a HUGE boost of credibility in the eyes
of the search engines. Always place proper meta tags on your
website no matter what anyone says!

Submitting your website to as many directories as possible will
help you rank high with the search engines. By finding as many
directories as possible and submitting your website to them, you
are gaining exposure and inbound links via searches. When search
engines such as Google index your site, they weigh in this
factor and directly use it to determine just how important your
website is to the internet. Submit your website to at least 50

Another great way to gain page rank with search engines is to
have as many backlinks (or reciprocal links) as possible. This
is when you agree to directly link to another website, in return
for that website linking directly to yours. This could very well
be the most powerful method to gain page rank, get indexed, and
attain top search results of all the SEO strategies described in
this article. However, overdoing it will not be to your benefit.
A good way to backlink with other websites is to do it with the
every directory that you are submitting your website to (the
same directories that I spoke of earlier). Directory links will
give your website tremendous validity because essentially you
are linking to massive online networks this way. So make sure
you opt to make reciprocal links with all the directories you
submit your website to. You can also buy backlinks from
prominent websites!

Always try to get as much free inbound links as possible. Don't
ever quit! Keep writing and posting your links throughout
articles, blogs, forums, press releases, classified ads, online
groups (such as yahoo answers, Google groups, twitter, etc),
Squidoo, social bookmarking, email lists, AdWords, and as many
others as you can think of. All of these inbound links will add
up very quickly, and will prove to the search engines that your
site is important to the web community.

Finally, after doing the previous four steps that I have
mentioned, your site should be indexed, have a high page rank,
top listing with search engines, and should be getting floods of
free, targeted traffic. However, you must keep updating your
site with new material if you want to maintain that status.
Without this last step, you could loose a lot of your
hard-earned SEO points if the search engines declare your site
stagnant. Don't let it happen to you!

About the Author: If you want to see TONS of FREE VIDEOS,
tutorials, articles, forums, blogs, affiliate marketing reviews,
AND learn more about how to get FLOODS of FREE TRAFFIC to your
website, then go to My name is
Ata Khan, and this site has EVERYTHING YOU NEED!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

The Magic Adword Profit Formula By Roger Titley

How can you make an Adword make a profit? If you are like me
then you thought that you were doing all of the right things but
the result was always the same; the commission generated was
never more than the cost of the Adword. In the words of Charles
Dickens’ famous character Mr. McAwber, ‘Annual income twenty
pounds, annual expenditure twenty pounds ought and six, result

When it comes to Adwords, if the cost of the clicks is more
than the commission that is generated then it is a sure fire

So what is the magic formula for success?

In this instance, formula is the correct word, as it is a very
simple balancing act that is required which is easiest to
explain with an example..

Imagine that you are lucky enough to identify keywords that
only cost you one cent each, $0.01. Your Adword is charged on a
per click basis and so it will cost you $1 for every 100 clicks
that you get. Each click will take the potential customer to the
affiliate owner’s site, where they may or may not make a

The ratio of purchasers to non-purchasers is the conversion
rate. If one person out of every hundred that clicks on your
Adword actually makes a purchase, then your conversion rate is

The actual amount of commission that you earn is fixed and
depends upon the affiliate program that you choose. For an
example let’s assume that the commission is generated on a
single sale is $20. Let’s also assume that you require a
reasonable profit on each transaction for example 40%. This will
provide you with $8 for every sale, and allow $12 to be spent on
the Adword clicks.

For $12 you can pay for 1200 clicks if each click costs $0.01.
That sounds a lot of clicks, but this is only true if the
average Price Per Click (PPC) is $0.01. If the average PPC cost
is actually 10c, then the number of clicks that can be purchased
will be reduced to 120.

At 10c per click, you will require a conversion rate of 1 in
120 or 1.2% in order to maintain the same profit

So, in order to make a profit of at least $8, the affiliate
commission must be $20 or more, the PPC must be 10c or less and
the conversion rate must be 1.2% or more. In cash terms, for
every $12 that you spend, Google will pay you $20.

The important point to notice is that if you double the
commission rate then your profit doubles. If you halve the PPC
cost then your profit will double. If you double the conversion
rate then your profit will double.

There is only so much that you can do to lower the PPC cost and
the commission rate is set by the affiliate owner. All that is
left to manipulate is the conversion rate. If you are going to
make a profit from Adwords then the conversion rate is what you
must concentrate on.

The conversion rate is the key number! The critical thing is
not to just get a lot of clicks on the Adword, but to make sure
that those clicks are all potential buyers. This will depend on
the choice of keywords associated to the Adword to begin with,
but more importantly it depends on the subliminal expectation
that is set by your Adword text.

Make sure that you choose an Adword text that works. The best
advice is to check out any other Adwords for the same product.
Type the affiliate name into Google and see what text is being
used by others, particularly the top ones in the list.

If you can link the customer to your own page before sending
them on to the actual ad, then you have a chance to pre-sell the
product. This means that you can add a personal recommendation
or something similar to encourage the potential purchaser. This
is proven to raise conversion rates.

The choice of keyword is also important but requires a separate
article all of its own.

It is possible to make a profit with Adwords, but you have to
know the formula and make sure that all of the values when
combined will equal a profit.

About the Author: Roger Titley is a successful webmaster and
operates a number of different websites. specialises in helping
people earn money from the internet. specialises in helping you to
write articles for the internet.

Adsense Tricks To Explode Your Profits By Alli Ross

There are many adsense tips floating around the internet. Here
are some adsense tricks that can drastically increase your CTR
and your profits.

Lots of people say to make your ads blend in. However, some
people are having a lot of success by making their links stand
out. The most effective style seems to be having your links
blue, while your other links are a less-noticeable color. A good
example can be seen at

- Place images directly above your ads. This simple technique
has been known to increase CTR by 400%. To keep the images fresh
some people randomize related images on their site using PHP
code. You can see an example of these images at

- Google has cited the 336x280 large rectangle as the most
effective ad size.

- Place ads where your visitors will likely be focused.

Check out this heat map by Google -

- Weave your articles into your content. This is shown at

- Place link units in the top left-hand corner. This part of
the website has shown to be clicked on more than any other part
of the page. You can see an example at (Look at
the links at the top, towards the left in blue.)

- Take advantage of the "alternate URL" feature to avoid Public
Service Ads that seep money away from your website.

- One of the best things you can do is add additional pages to
your site. A web site with thousands of pages and tons of
content often does very well in the search engines. You can get
free content from article directories. You could also use public
domain content, which is a favorite tactic of John Reese. Or,
you could use content in the creative commons. This is getting
easier than ever now that Yahoo and others have created a search
engine specifically for content in the creative commons.

Succeeding with adsense is largely determined by the amount of
traffic to your site. However, there are many adsense tricks
that you can employ to get the most possible out of your site.
Often times, this means doubling, tripling, or even quadrupling
your earnings. The key is to find out what works for your web
site. Testing and tracking is the key to increased revenue!

About the Author: Alli Ross is the marketing chick at, where you can submit your
articles for free exposure.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Google Adsense - Are There Any Tips and Tricks That You Should Know By Alan Lim

Google Adsense is a way of presenting web site advertisements
in order to bring in revenue to the site, even if the web master
doesn't sell the product.


Google Adsense depends upon the content of the material in the
web sites to be the key advertising selling point. The content
brings people to the site to get information or to have
questions answered. The rich content created by skillful and
informative use of keywords about the subject at hand is what
makes people stay at the web site and become clients or
customers. The indexing and ranking of the pages contained in
the web site is what allows viewers to discover what they will
find when they go there. The more skillfully presented
information that is available, the more opportunity to market
the product or service.


Studies have been done about the best way to layout the Google
Adsense ads. You can find information about which colors to use,
whether or not to use borders on the ads, what shape the ads
should be, whether the ads should be incorporated into the
textual content of the ads and various other factors that make
your Adsense ads noticeable yet not overwhelming. Every aspect
of the layout is studied and confirmed by trial and error. In
addition, certain types of layout styles will work well for one
audience and may fail dismally when used for another targeted


Two main types of Google Adsense ads are often found on web
sites. First is the text box where the ad is set apart from the
content of the page by a border, white space, text size or
color. Another type of location is that of blended ads. In
this instance, the ad is blended into the text so that it
becomes part of the content, yet the viewer can still click on
the link and be taken to further information on the product in
question. Since the English speaking world reads from left to
right, and from top to bottom, it makes sense to place your ads
in the upper left quadrant of the web page rather than in the
lower left.


Using colors in your Google Adsense ads that either blend with
or contrast with the general theme of your web page can make a
significant difference in your click through rate. Much will
depend on the theme of your web site, but better success is
usually found by using colors that blend with the tone of your
overall page. The best way to be sure is to test your
presentation for several days and look at the statistics that


With Google Adsense programs, the foremost thing to remember is
that the site should not be created just for the purpose of
collecting Adsense revenue. Use a web site dedicated to the
idea of providing information about a subject that interests you
and then add the advertisements that provide additional revenue.

To do otherwise will reflect poorly on both the website and on
Google and you generally will not be allowed to continue
receiving revenue from Google with such an approach. Take the
time to research the top selling keywords and use them in your
own field for maximum profits.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Make Money With AdSense - How to Maximize Your Profit Adsense Secret Revealed By Alan Lim

If you want to make money with AdSense, you need to do
everything possible to make the most of your profit
opportunities. Here some specific Adsense Secret tips to
increase your profit.

There are many legitimate ways that you can make money with
AdSense. It is important that you comply with all the rules and
policies set out by Google AdSense administration. If you don't
follow the rules, Google can refuse to allow AdSense ads on your
web site or blog. On the other hand, using Google AdSense can
allow you to earn a tidy passive income from your web site. You
can learn about some of the Adsense secret factors that help to
make an AdSense ad profitable by reviewing one of the excellent
tutorials or e-books that are available on the subject of
AdSense income.

Ad Size

The ads that allow you to make money with AdSense come in many
different sizes. They are usually expressed in pixels. They
are given titles such as a half banner, wide skyscraper, small
square and large rectangle among others. The ad should be of a
size that will not overpower the content on the web site. It
should not be placed on an otherwise blank page, since that is
less likely to result in clicks onto the ad. There is nothing
other than the ad to pull the visitor onto the site. It is much
better to use a small ad with plenty of surrounding content to
bring visitors to the web site.

Ad Color

The ad color is another adsense secret factor that helps you to
make money with AdSense. The ad should be prepared in colors
that blend with the colors already on your web page. The most
effective AdSense Ad will be placed on a white or light
background rather than on a dark background. Depending upon the
product or service that you are selling, the color choice can
make a huge difference in the volume of interest and revenue
received from the web site.

Ad Location

Generally, the information or ads on the upper left side of the
web page are those that are most prominent to the eye of the web
page visitor. Keep this in mind when you are designing your web
page and deciding on the placement of the AdSense ad. If you
make certain that the visitor doesn't have to scroll down the
page in order to see the AdSense ad, you will increase your
sales significantly with this adsense secret. The content on
your web page is what the visitor to your site should see first,
but it is also helpful to have the ad easily visible to the

Ad Blocks

Here is another adsense secret. If you want to avoid placing
AdSense ads promoting a competitor's site on your web page, you
can take advantage of the ability to block ads by use of the
Competitive Ad Filter feature. You will need to know the URL
associated with the site you are attempting to block. You can
make money with AdSense by taking advantage of the tools and
filters that are available to you as a web site owner. This
keeps you in compliance with the rules and regulations and ads
to your revenue level.

Google Adword - Secret X Factor - Build An Home Business Empire By Chang Wee Teo

One of today’s successful internet marketers has built his own
home business empire by combining the powerful marketing tool,
Google AdWords, with his own Secret X Factor. His secret
success formula helped this acclaimed internet marketer find his
own personal corner of internet success in an area that was
already a favorite hobby and golfing. Keep reading to learn how
Google AdWords helped this marketer build a customer base for
his online business and to learn more about his secret formula
for success.

Leading internet search engine, Google, introduced their
AdWords program in 2000. AdWords is a low cost advertising
program designed to give small businesses exposure online.
Users can choose simple, text based ads or catchier, interactive
image ads in a variety of banner sizes.

Over the years, Google has enhanced and expanded AdWords to
provide business owners with a number of different advertising
options to ensure every business venture, regardless of size or
product, can benefit from the program. With AdWords’ Pay Per
Click advertising, website and business owners can choose key
search words relevant to their product or service. Their
advertisements may appear along with Google search results
related to their website and advertisers pay a predetermined
amount each time a visitor lands on their site through the ad.
The proven system makes certain that ads only appear on
appropriate pages, meaning more visits and more sales for

Google’s AdWords now offers even more advertising flexibility
and success with site targeted advertising. AdWords users can
select websites that are related to their product or service and
place a bid for ad placement on the site. Site targeted
advertising allows businesses to get the most value out of their
advertising dollars by reaching a broad range of prospective
clients who all share an interest in the advertiser’s product.

AdWords ads can appear on industry leader, Google, as well as
their partner networks, including AOL search, Netscape, and Ask.

The ads may also appear on websites that are closely related to
the advertiser’s site and on a variety of other websites that
display ads near related context to increase traffic to their
site. Most AdWords advertisers see a large increase in visitors
to their online business, which, in turn, means more sales and
more profit.

Through Google’s professional training course, our successful
internet marketer became an expert in AdWords. His
understanding of how pay per click advertising works and his
expert knowledge of the AdWords program helped him to bring in
numerous new business prospects for a mere fraction of most
business advertising budgets. Several other low cost methods of
online advertising also factor in to this noted entrepreneur’s
success in internet marketing.

This internet marketer’s continued experience with Google
AdWords furthered his expertise in the area. He developed
proven methods of choosing revenue generating keywords that
offer the best value for the budget, as well as the keys to
writing a successful ad copy with relevant, sales driven

Once his expert knowledge of AdWords began to bring visitors to
his website, it was time for the successful marketer to put his
Secret X Factor to work.

The first thing this successful marketer did was use his
special attribute to create a name for himself, not just in the
golfing community, but as an internet marketer as well. He
gained the trust and respect of every prospective client with
his secret recipe for success, significantly expanding his
customer base and his profits.

As his customer base grew, the successful marketer continued to
use his special success recipe to expand his home business
empire to include a variety of products and services his
customers would truly appreciate. With his special marketing
weapon, he could meet the needs of his clients by promoting the
items they want to buy.

The hours needed to run his expanding home business helped this
successful internet marketer learn even more important aspects
of building a lucrative online business. He learned low cost
ways to delegate the tasks associated with his business. As a
successful entrepreneur, he learned to manage his time by
subcontracting freelancers, especially for jobs that would cost
himself a great deal of time or where his work may lack the
quality someone more experienced in the area could provide.

This cutting edge internet marketer’s goal in business has
always been to provide not only his longtime customers, but each
and every prospective client as well, with the best service, the
best products, and the best advice. With his Secret X Factor
formula, his AdWords expertise, and plenty of hard work, he has
built a successful and profitable home based business centered
around this goal.