Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Google AdSense: So Can You Really Make Money While You Sleep With AdSense? By Serge Dandelin

Google's AdSense program has been one that has drawn so many
different opinions over the year that it is a wonder that
everyone seems to know the basic truths about it. The answer as
to whether or not you can really make money while you sleep with
Google AdSense is a yes in no uncertain terms, but it is usually
not in the way that you may think.

People have been conditioned to think that creating a number of
low quality websites is the way to go with AdSense. Create 1000
different websites that make you $1 a day with AdSense and you
will ultimately be good to go. This is not really true anymore,
however the good news is that you can still have fun with what
you do and then make AdSense cash when you are asleep.

The way to make cash with AdSense in the modern world is
through the use of high quality content. You need to create a
website that people will want to visit on a regular basis.
Whether that website happens to be a content website on a
particular field that you consider yourself an expert on or
whether it happens to be a blog that you use to express your
opinion to others, as long as you create high quality content on
that website on a daily basis, then you are going to have a
website with the potential to make money.

You need to promote the website as well and that once again
involves a lot of work on your part. If you promote your website
through posting on blogs, forums and social networking websites
while at the same time writing articles and submitting them with
your link to directories, you will find that slowly but surely
your website will start to draw on major amounts of traffic. And
once your website does that, your AdSense ads will do the rest.
You can definitely make money while you sleep with AdSense, but
you just need to know how to go about doing it.

The websites that really make money in the modern world however
are not websites that rely on one form of advertising. There are
text link ads, banner ads, reviews and many other forms of
advertising that people can use once they have a successful
website; the key is just in getting to that point. Once you have
built up a successful website, you can experiment with ads in
order to see which ones work for you the best.

Adsense is a nice way of monetizing your website traffic.
However in order to make money with adsense you need traffic to
your web site. If you are not getting any traffic you won't make
a dime with Google Adsense plain and simple. Making money with
Adsense is not that simple. Stay away from people trying to sell
you information products on how to make millions with Adsense.
These are just empty promises. Like I always say: There is no
free lunch!

To Your Success!

About the Author: I have just completed my brand new guide to
Search Engine Marketing Success. Download it free here:
Best Regards, Serge Daudelin SEO Consultant

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